Signal Processing Laboratory
Anastasia Aidini
Postdoctoral Researcher
- Call: +30 2810 391.735
- Email: aidini [at] ics [dot] forth [dot] gr
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas
Anastasia Aidini is a post-doctoral researcher at the Signal Processing Laboratory of Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). She received her Ph.D. degree from the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete, Greece, in 2023, her M.Sc. degree in Mathematical Foundations of Informatics from the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Crete in 2016, and her B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Crete in 2014. In 2017, she joined the Signal Processing Laboratory at FORTH-ICS as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Panagiotis Tsakalides with scholarship from the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. She has been awarded a best paper award at the 2018 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging. Her main research interests lie in the fields of computational imaging, and high-dimensional signal acquisition and processing using tensor analysis and machine/deep learning techniques, with applications in remote sensing and astrophysics.
Email Address: aidini [at] ics [dot] forth [dot] gr, aidini [at] csd [dot] uoc [dot] gr
Postal Address: FORTH-ICS, N. Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, GR 700 13 Heraklion, Crete, Greece