Signal Processing Laboratory
Nikos Stefanakis
Assistant Professor
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas
Assistant Professor, Department of Music Technology and Acoustics, Technical Educational Institute of Crete, Greece
Nikolaos Stefanakis received his Diploma degree in mechanical engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA, in 2008. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Music Technology and Acoustics of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, and an Affiliated Researcher in the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH-ICS). His research interests are in the general field of acoustics and audio signal processing with emphasis on microphone arrays, spatial audio and sound synthesis. He has contributed to more than 30 publications in various journal and conference proceedings in these areas and is a co-inventor in one European and 5 US patents.
Selected Publications:
Stefanakis Ν., Pavlidi D. and Mouchtaris A., “Perpendicular cross-spectra fusion for sound source localization with a planar microphone array,” in IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 25(9), 1517-1531 (2017).
Stefanakis Ν., “Efficient implementation of superdirective beamforming in a half-space environment,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1293-1302 (2019).
Stefanakis Ν., Abel M. and Bergner A., “Sound synthesis based on Ordinary Differential Equations,” J. Computer Music, 39(3), (2015).
Simou N., Stefanakis N. and Zervas P., “A Universal System for Cough Detection in Domestic Acoustic Environments,” in Proceedings of EUSIPCO (2020).
Email Address: nstefana [at] ics [dot] forth [dot] gr
Postal Address: FORTH-ICS, N. Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, GR 700 13 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Telephone Number: +30 2810 391.845
Website: //users.ics.forth.gr/nstefana
Research Gate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Nick_Stefanakis