Research Topics

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Signal Processing Laboratory


We synthesize, extend, and apply theoretical breakthroughs on Machine Learning, Compressed Sensing, and Sparse...


We have a distinct focus on signal acquisition/representation, distributed processing, and context retrieval f...

Audio & Speech

We perform cutting edge research, featuring microphone array signal processing, wireless acoustic sensor netwo...

Statistical signal

Research activities at SPL explore the statistical properties of linear time-frequency analysis methods, such ...

About SPL

Over 20 Years of Experience With Best Results.

The Signal Processing Laboratory at ICS-FORTH, aspires to be at the forefront of signal processing with fundamental work on image, audio, and speech signal processing and learning theory. Our research activities rely on the pillars of non-Gaussian statistics, sinusoidal modeling, sparse representations, and compressed sensing, and our aim is to apply state of the art techniques to a wide range of real world problems.

Representative applications include imaging and video coding, distributed signal and data management over sensor networks, immersive audio and multichannel audio coding, speech recognition and enhancement.

Signal Processing Laboratory

Featured publications

Deep Learning for Multilabel Land Cover Scene Categorization Using Data Augmentation Journal Article

Stivaktakis Radamanthys, Tsagkatakis Grigorios.

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 16 (7), pp. 1031 - 1035, 2019.

Neuronal Communication Process Opens New Directions in Image and Video Compression Systems In Proceedings

Doutsi Effrosyni.

Proc. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Special Theme: Brain-inspired Computing (ERCIM News 125), pp. 27–28, 2021.

Team Members

Research Personnel

George Tzagkarakis

George Tzagkarakis

Principal Researcher
Grigorios Tsagkatakis

Grigorios Tsagkatakis

Assistant Professor


Robust Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Autonomy: A Unifying Theory via Performance and Risk Tradeoff

  • Speaker : John Baras Date : 17.01.2024 Time: 11.00 to 12.30 Location : Orphanoudakis Room - FORTH, Main Building, 1st floor Host : Prof. Panos Tsakalidis, SPL/ICS FORTH

Continual Inference Networks for Real-time Stream Data Processing

  • Date/Time: Monday, November 27, 12:00 – 13:30 Location: FORTH Central Building - Payatakis Room Speaker: Prof. Alexandros Iosifidis, Aarhus University, Denmark Title: Continual Inference Networks for Real-time Stream Data Processing Hosts: Dr. George Tzagkarakis, SPL LAB / ICS FORTH

TSMS: TreeSHAP Model Selection for Time Series Forecasting

  • Date/Time: Wednesday, October 25, 12:30 – 14:00 Location: FORTH Central Building - Payatakis Room Speaker: Matthias Jakobs, Lamarr Institute for ML and AI Title: TSMS: TreeSHAP Model Selection for Time Series Forecasting Hosts: Dr. George Tzagkarakis, and Prof. Panagiotis Tsakalides, SPL LAB / ICS FORTH Read More
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