TITAN will build research capacity at FORTH, and increase the attractiveness of the Crete region to international R&I talents. Overall project impacts are expected far beyond this, including the advancement of research infrastructures and initiatives, tackling future data science challenges and enhancing the innovation capacity of FORTH by forging collaboration with the regional and international stakeholders making best utilization of FORTH’s infrastructure and expertise.
Synergies with existing (and future) regional, national and international initiatives
Through the establishment of alliances between TITAN and regional, national and international initiatives, a maximization of resources will be achieved. For instance, TITAN will leverage existing national research infrastructures, including Skinakas Observatory, and European initiatives, including the EU Space Surveillance and Tracking (EU-SST) program for observing assets in space, and ESA programs such as ScyLight, HydRON and SAGA, towards the preparation of the space segment of the EC EuroQCI Initiative. Furthermore, TITAN will exploit the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Region of Crete, along with MSCA Doctoral Networks and European Research Council (ERC) grants, to expand FORTH’s presence in the European research arena, whilst increasing success for competitive funding through the expansion of networks of collaborations. Overall, the TITAN mission is fully in line with significant policy mandates at the national and European levels.
The "Frugal Artificial Intelligence and Application in Astrophysics" (TITAN) project is funded via the EU ERA Chair (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01: 2023-2028) program under project ID 101086741.
Starting date: 01-01-2023; Duration: 5 years.